In the Community
What We Have Done
This spring we partnered with St. Vincent de Paul for our annual donation drive. Collecting many needed items for our homeless neighbors. We concluded our drive with hundreds of donations and are very proud of our Team!

Why We Do It
Here at VAP, we love to give back and look forward to any opportunity that allows us to do so. Our drive for St. Vincent de Paul is only one of the many charitable endeavors. During Christmas time we work with our local VA to collect needed items such as gift cards, hats, and coats. We have also made care packages for children at Dayton Children’s Hospital, Operation Christmas Child, Choices-foster care program, and the Mustard Seed Foundation.
Charitable work does more than help our community it also helps increase Team morale. Building a Team-oriented culture is more than just a catchphrase here at Value Added Packaging. It bleeds through from our Leaders to our Team Members. We strive to have a collaborative and comfortable work environment, so our Team looks forward to coming to work every day. This is one of the reasons why charitable work is so important to us. Not only do we as a company love to support and enrich our community, but we also love to do the same for our Team Members.