Here at VAP, we want to ensure the customer is getting the most protection for their product, along with a fair cost. One of the biggest questions I get when it comes to packaging is the difference between Burst testing and ECT. What is that verbiage I hear about?...
Guilt is a moral compass – not a tool for accepting defeat, and work life balance doesn’t exist – so stop trying. These were my two personal takeaways from Kelly Crace’s Flourishing with Values-Based Leadership seminar I recently had the opportunity to attend. Let’s...
The growth of an organization can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. As organizations realize rapid growth; through an upward revenue drive, organically or through mergers; they could falter and crumble on critical non-revenue aspects, such as culture....
The Fuel from the Big Picture!! This is very simple: every employee needs to see the Big Picture. This kind of knowledge enables our employees to honor the values we seek to live and to work by at Value Added Packaging. Employees, typically, are not motivated by...
Photo credit: Over a year ago, I watched this TED Talks video about how great companies always know “why” they are in business. It was with Simon Sinek, author of the book “Start with Why”. I bought the book that week, and reading it really...